Upcoming events!
(courses, classes, retreats, workshops, talks, & presentations)
Creature Feature: Animals as Spiritual Teachers
6-7:30pm on Fri. October 6, online
I'm thrilled to be returning to Wisdom Ways this fall for a fresh lineup of classes! First up is Creature Feature: Animals as Spiritual Teachers. Animals are so effortless and pure in their spirituality, aren’t they? We would do well to learn from them!
That’s what this class is all about. We’ll share stories of sacred moments with our finned, feathered, and fuzzy cousins. We’ll reflect on the wisdom, beauty, and inspiration they’ve shown us. And we’ll explore exercises to help us pay closer attention to our closest family in the Animal Kin-dom.
Their spirituality is indeed one of the best teachers for our own. We invite you to find where the strands of your sacred story meet with other fellow critters’, in our great, wild web of life.
Fellow animal-lovers – assemble!
Lessons from the Pandemic series
I’m continuing to book events for the Lessons from the Pandemic series, and still have a few openings left for 2023! Organizations can have me come in to lead a presentation and discussion about what we can all learn from the last few years: about grief and mental health, renewing a sense of passion and optimism for the future, and much more.
Options for 1-, 2-, and 3-hour talks, and easily customized to the host context: workplaces, schools, churches and faith communities, senior centers, etc.
I’m especially hoping these can serve people who’ve been in frontline work: healthcare, eldercare, mental health, pastoral care, education, caregivers, etc.
Please reach out if you know anyone who may be interested in hosting this unique, vital conversation: brian@brianbard.com
Topics include:
historical comparisons to other globally traumatic events
what to expect – a summary of the research indicators and social trends for the coming years
how to get ahead of coming trends and chart a Roadmap to Recovery
how to make room for what I call the Ten Touchstones of Grief
concrete actions that can help us regain momentum in our individual and communal lives
How you can help grow InVocation
Sign up for one of the offerings above!
Refer me to places you know of that could host an InVocation event!
Refer me to someone you know who could use spiritual guidance, or meet with me yourself – initial consult is always free!
Forward the newsletter to your friends so they can subscribe!
Support me on my Ko-Fi patron page with a one-time or recurring contribution! This supports the bigger picture of my work – which you can read about there!